In response to the shift to remote working and limited firm visits for the foreseeable future, we have launched our Credits for a Cause program. We will be offering virtual webinars for both our AIA and Non-AIA presentations. We will support your community with a donation of $10 per attendee to a worthy, local charity of your firm’s choice.
Contact our Marketing & Sales Director, Kelli Paskert, at or 515.264.2121 for a full list of presentations available and help us help your community in this incredible time of need!
AIA Presentations
Opening Doors to Design Opportunities with the Model Building Codes
- This program is designed to acquaint attendees with the many aspects of Fire and Life Safety Code Requirements and how those Code Requirements affect egress and building design. Attendees will learn how to differentiate between fire walls, fire barriers and fire partitions, as well as gain a better understanding of the regulatory standards governing the use and application of opening protectives. In addition, attendees will learn the fundamental code requirements that drive the placement of fire walls and fire barriers, their openings and opening protectives. By using slides, discussion and case studies, participants will learn the correlation between Life Safety, product application and open design.
Fire and Smoke Rated Curtains
- Acquaint the participants with the many aspects of Fire and Smoke Rated Curtains and the specific Code Requirements relating to the curtains and their applications. Participants will be able to understand and comprehend the basic guidelines for smoke migration and smoke management. They will also be able to analyze the use of draft curtains as they pertain to smoke migration and smoke management. Attendees will compare the characteristics of the flexible fabric egress door and the current egress requirements of the IBC. Lastly, participants will review the building code requirements of opening protectives and how those requirements relate to flexible fire and smoke rated fabric.
Understanding the Storm Shelter Requirements
- This program goes through the requirements for storm shelter design and construction based on the ICC 500. Attendees will be able to outline the differences between ICC 500 and FEMA 361, discuss the correlation between best practice design and life safety and analyze case studies to determine the best design and construction options for storm shelters.
Design and Aesthetics for Operable Partitions
- This program describes the various types of operable walls available to the design professional. Topics included are track design, panel design and construction, mechanical seals versus fixed sweep seals, STC issues, motorized systems, automatic setting seals, aluminum versus steel track and how to properly design the entire system.
Specifying the Right Product for the Right Application
- Learn more about the benefits of underlayments and sound control mats and how to select the right products for your project. You will learn more about how underlayments and sound mats are installed, how they help to enhance the safety and marketability of a project, as well as the factors necessary in determining which products should be specified in a variety of applications.
Sound Control in Multistory Buildings
- In this course you will learn how to build a floor/ceiling assembly with sound control in mind. Topics will include common terminology as it relates to acoustical construction, the International Building Code criteria for sound control, and the 4 key considerations in design of a floor/ceiling assembly. To illustrate the need for proper sound control, sound control test data will be presented. Additionally, the presentation reviews common construction errors that can impact noise control.
Non AIA Presentations
The Skold Companies
- This program is review of the floor and door products and services offered by the Skold Companies. Included is information on floor underlayments, wear surfaces, concrete polishing, stains, epoxies, operable walls, coiling doors, coiling fire doors and a general discussion on services from the Skold Companies.
The Basics of Polished Concrete
- This program covers the basics of polished concrete. Topics covered include but not limited to polishing advantages, how to prepare the surface and steps involved in polishing. Also included are polishing options, long term maintenance and what pitfalls to avoid as the project designer.
Floor Coatings
- Discuss various floor coating options and when and where each flooring option is best utilized. Floor coatings include polished concrete, hardeners, sealers and resinous flooring.